Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summer so far

The Capitol at sunset, D.C. June 2011

It's impossible to catch up on the past few months. Here are a few high points: Baby N is walking. The house is moving along. We stayed in the Uinta's, rode horses, and played in the mud. (It took three runs through a professional car wash to get all the red mud off. Well worth it, I say.) There's a new swing in the backyard. We had our first sister's trip and heard my dad sing with the Choir in Wolftrap. I've spent lazy days and nights swinging on a hammock in the woods and seen some really great art as of late. My dad and I have an on-going Top Chef s'more roasting contest. As of a week ago, he's winning.

I've tried to take my camera with me as much as possible -- on vacation, to work, for weekend getaways, last-minute trips up the canyon when the mountains call to me down in the valley. Pictures can't capture how perfect the sunsets have been, how glorious the mountain air feels against my face after five days back east, or how green the meadow has been up at The Lot because of record snowfall and spring rain. Here are a few favorites shots of summer so far.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bon to Bob

Tonight I was using the computer at my parent's. I put iTunes on shuffle while I sent a few emails. It went from Bon Iver to Bob Dylan's "Must be Santa" and all of a sudden I missed my brother like crazy.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nocturne in E Flat Major

He asked me to pick my very favorite. There were hundreds, only a few I'd ever seen, and never in person. On round two, I settled on a fairly predictable landscape. He chose a less traditional piece, unusual for the artist. Let's go back and visit yours before we leave, he said.

At dinner he asked me about writing and architecture. On the way home, we listened to Chopin's Nocturnes. They are my favorite.