Monday, August 20, 2007

speaking of michael...

It wasn't more than a week ago that AES and I were in the kitchen making bruschetta, chopping the fresh basil and crumbling the mozzarella, doing Giada de Laurentis so proud and belting our hearts out to Michael Buble's "Everything." A. knew all the words, having just seen the man himself in concert ("He is sizzlen!") a few weeks before. A. snapped her fingers and danced about the kitchen in delight as she spooned the tomato mixture onto the sliced and toasted baguettes. "Everything" is indeed a hit and the jazzy (and adorable) lyrics were in my head the rest of the night. I had high hopes for the music video, picturing Mr. Michael singing to a classically beautiful goddess of a woman, amid raindrops in Manhattan (or some other such nonsensical scene). Let's just say I was gravely disappointed when I saw the music video today. (Search YouTube: Michael Buble, "Everything"). What is with the hippies, the banjo player, the fire-eaters and the mime? And what the Whoopi?! Why on earth would we want anyone other than Michael swaying his hips, swinging the mic and singing the lines, "You're every song...I sing're everything." I must discuss this with Miss A. tout de suite!

P dot S dot: K, um...I can totally see the resemblance! I mean, look at that profile! They're exactly the same. (The profile, the Manolo Blahniks, the subtle tone-on-tone pinstripe pants, the carefully disheveled hair. Could they BE more alike? I was going to post one of those celb. split-faced photos of the two of them, but I need your help with that one).

1 comment:

E. said...

Isn't that the strangest? I'd watched the video before I ever heard the song by its own simple self, and I think it ruined it for me---I can't get past the mime to love the lyrics.