Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who hath desired the sea?*

after a family gathering tonight, we're headed to stay
in a shingled house by the sea.

there's a cozy spot quite like this one in the main part of the house. Upon the sight of it,
I dubbed it as my sleeping quarters and my daytime lounging spot.
it's perfect for reading and looking out at the ocean.

we're each in charge of a meal and a day's worth of activities.
so far i've found four killer cookie recipes and
a list of local design shops.
chocolate marshmallow cookies and sea salt caramel brownies count
as a main dish. especially on vacation.
i pulled out the travel folder from my work files
and am excited to peruse the local design scene, albeit possibly solo.
i've looked up bookshops, too.
more will be in tow on those outings, perhaps.

mostly, i'm excited for sea and sand and uninterrupted time with family.

*"The Sea and the Hills," by Rudyard Kipling

1 comment:

olivia said...

oh i am so excited for you to be there! sounds magical. can't wait to hear all about it.