Wednesday, August 4, 2010

why I love my brother (part I)

Because he looks up award-winning cupcake recipes. And then, he makes them. Unlike his sister (that would be moi) who looks them up and emails herself the recipe, however, the cupcakes never grace the counter. These red velvet molten lava cream cheese frosting cupcakes* were waiting when I got home today. Such deliciousness. What a guy.

*Not their actual name, but the cupcakes sort of collapsed in the oven (thank you high altitude), leaving this gaping hole just begging to be filled with cream cheese frosting. A rather brilliant solution, if you ask me.


Ellie said...

You forgot the link for the recipe. :-) They look scrumptious!

M said...

Here's the recipe link:

Ellie said...

Thank you!