into one another like colors on a color wheel.
{Photo of 1920*}
-To N for coming to town for wedding festivities and for helping me hoist chairs into the car in skirts and heels. Please move here already.
-To EAFT for the video. Thank you a million times a million. (Plus infinity.)
-To the men we watched jousting at the park yesterday. We want you to be the subjects of a sociological study.
...And, to the man with the red arrows. You are our favorite forever.
-To PP who came ever so subtly dressed as Dracula to church last Sunday.
-To the Beehives. And all the YW.
-To Mr. L for the text messages.
-To George Washington Carver for inventing the peanut, and subsequently other things peanut-related. Like peanut butter.
-To the honey bees for making honey to go with peanut butter.
-To mom for making comfy quilts to snuggle up with.
-To Andrew for chatting with me about architecture school over tomato soup.
-To Elder Chard for kind emails from SeaTown.
-To autumn for being so jaw-droppingly gorgeous this weekend.
*Dear 1920,
I knocked on the door to ask permission, but no one came, so I started snapping.
all of this is so gorgeous.
dear m,
I am going to sue you for taking a picture of my house without asking.
hahaha. Okay. Seriously though the man with the arrows made me smile when I thought of him during my terrible bio test this morning. Which is very hard to do. Can we go back every saturday??
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