Thursday, September 27, 2007

tea with...

Excuzez moi, could you please pass the
J A M !
Je reste sans voix.


E. said...

"Like PB & J. Pam Beesly and Jim.Ohh. What a waste."

Lesley said...

So wait a this your real blog? Your other blog is so classy and professional I don't feel my comments are quite high class enough to live on that's just so pretty and smart. This blog seems more casual. Is this true fetz?

M said...

Yes, dear Les, this is the "capital R capital T!...Don't worry, those are the right letters." And thanks for thinking the other is "professional." At least I manage to fool a few. As for you posting on the HH...I'd be honored! HH or MM, it's just a treat to have you stop by, Mrs. LJCW!