Wednesday, July 8, 2009

100 Abandoned Houses and 1 Million Dollars

You know that question, "If you were given a million dollars, how would you spend it?" The noble ones of the world give answers like, "I'd pay off my parent's mortgage," or "I'd buy prosthetics for all the three legged dogs in the world." Then there's my answer (a little less noble), "I'd join forces with this guy, somehow double our money, and save these houses." We'd pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into each, restoring them to their perfect and historic state. Then, the frosting on the cake (for what is a cake, especially a million dollar one, without frosting?) I'd furnish each house with the most delicious furniture. Yes, furniture so good you'd want to eat it. (Eating on it, however, would be strictly forbidden). If there was money left over, I guess I could take the mailman out to dinner...But only if.

*Isn't there something heart wrenchingly tragic in the most motivating way about the photo above? Two abandoned houses, one right next to the other? We must start there, yes?

To join my noble cause and try your luck at a possible
dinner with a mailman in Michigan, see here.


emi. said...

this is my favorite project. ever.

Katie said...

Can't wait to see the houses after they receive your million dollar treatment!