Wednesday, May 5, 2010

under the sea undertaker

My sister had a fish named Gills. He lived for two years, which in fish years is practically 180. One night after my sister's piano recital, we came home with ice cream stained faces to find Gills belly-up in his bowl in the kitchen. We sent him to his watery grave the only way you can when you live in the suburbs.

Once, my neighbors asked me to feed their frog, Marvin. Marvin was five years old, which in frog years is basically prehistoric. It was just for the weekend -- a few flakes of food and that was that. He'd kick about his glass bowl world, bobbing his head above the surface when no one was looking, and they'd be home before he knew it. The saddest part wasn't telling them Marvin had gone the way of all the earth. The saddest part was telling them the only spot we could find for his final resting place was a narrow strip of dirt beside their driveway.

1 comment:

Libby and Dustin said...

I miss Gills, what a great fish with a great personality.