Monday, October 4, 2010

book nook eulogy

They moved my favorite section in the bookstore. It's not completely the end of the world, only sort of. The art section used to flow into the architecture section and from there formed a rivulet into books on interior design. It was this seamless coming together of all things beautiful, an endless ocean of inspiration.

Up a story, I'd build a top-heavy skyscraper, removing books one level at a time. I was uninterrupted, minus the ambitious do-it-yourself-er who would wander over into interior design only to find that the measure twice cut once sort of books were on a different set of shelves.

Now I have to trudge through periodicals and the buy-one-get-one-free table only to arrive next to the Cafe where a girl in workout gear sips espresso and reads Shape. Then there's the dude in a fly fisherman's vest checking out the travel guide to Montana. In the section about making a house a home, I feel rather homeless.

The bright side: Sometimes I'm not so fond of escalators...

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