Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I have to write four papers within the next two weeks, which wouldn't be that big of a deal, except that I have another paper due tomorrow, and I've been sitting at the table all day and I cannot think of a single thing I could turn into a paper. Only snippets of stories. Like how yesterday at the library we were reviewing Einstien when a modern-day version (crazy white hair, wrinkled forehead, fluffy mustache, a bit round around the edges) walked right passed our study room window with several books tucked under his arm. Then today, my sister came over and showed us how my niece can sit up for minutes at a time all by herself and the last time we saw her (four days ago) she couldn't do that. And isn't that remarkable? And how I've always prided myself on the fact that my cell phone has never gone off at an inappropriate time, but last night, in a flukey freaky accident, the alarm clock on my phone started ringing during a rather official presentation to some rather important individuals, and I couldn't get it out of my coat pocket to turn it off. And isn't that embarrassing? I guess there's a first time for everything. And just now, my neighbor brought over piping hot sweet rolls, and I was the only one home, so I chose the biggest one with the most frosting, and then rearranged the others on the plate so no one will ever know.* And my Dad sent me a note in the mail today, just because. And it's so cold outside that when I got back from stretching my legs on a study break, my lungs felt like they were bleeding. And just a few minutes ago Elton John's "Step Into Christmas" came on Pandora. My brother loves that song. I miss him and the thought of Christmas without him is, well, rather sad. But it's the first day of December, and that means E will be home in exactly 14 days, which is the most exciting thing, actually.** But none of that is enough to turn into a single story, let alone five. So I'll sit and stare until something leaks out and fills the page, which I hope happens soon.

*That is, until they read this. And when they do, all I have to say is nanny nanny poo poo.
**I sort of want to make a paper chain.
{photo by E}

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