Wednesday, February 13, 2008


When I'm driving on the freeway (or anywhere, for that matter) I get excited when I see several cars of the same color all in a row, or in the same section of the road.
It drives me nuts to let my cell phone battery drop below three bars. It is always fully-charged or I'm in a panic to plug it into its charger.
I collect acorns - from Central Park, Boston Commons, my Grandma's backyard, from walks with Linds on the south side of Provo.
I can't parallel park. As in physically cannot parallel park.
I hate it when the microwave doesn't show the time - when people forget to clear it. When it reads 00:30 (30 seconds).
I love pick-up trucks.
I love shapes. Especially when they're combined. We have a square-back chair here in the YBH with a round mirror over it. I like it ever so much.
I had the most enchanted childhood. Hands down. And, it still continues, even though we've all gone our separate ways, per se. My neighbors are my sisters and I love them as such.

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