Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Synopsis

  • Started the morning at the kitchen table with Steph, writing and studying. And scheming. (We're always scheming. A bit.)
  • Listened to Kelly's wonderful words of wisdom at one. Took notes.
  • Skipped out on the next meeting with S&L to have a meeting of our own (productive, of course).
  • Spent the last half of the hour chatting with Bishop and Brother O. Helped ourselves to treats on Bishop's desk as we talked. Snacked on mint chocolate in the hall with L on our way to the next meeting.
  • Spent the third hour being enriched by words and music. Enjoyed I's especially.
  • Met with the girls in the RS room, following. Short and sweet. Love them.
  • Pow-wow in the kitchen at the YBH after church, all roomies present. Glad we have each other to lean on. (Can't wait for the Liberty Park House and the big green kitchen to spread out in.)
  • Dinner with the family at 1928. Joy's chicken, our fave. And my favorite time of the year on Yale: the ivy painted glorious shades of red, orange and golden yellow. Heard about Dad's adventures in Boston: the leaves in Harvard Yard (maples a-blazing). Fun with Paul and Karl in Belmont quoting The Greats while K knitted at the dining table. Interesting intellectuals at the conference from all over the world; thoughts and views as various as their countries of origin. Advice from Clayton about Life. A ride to the airport from R & L, the baby twins smiling in the back seat.
  • A post-dinner chorale concert with The Ladies. M's solo was lovely. Ricky's my new favorite gospel singer/soloist. Amen!
Ended the evening with Steph and Mern. At the table. Heard about adventures with The Sub. And soccer games. And new FB friends. Now, with the porch light streaming through the window, it's just me at the table writing, studying.

*Carved pumpkins last night and ate soup and bread sticks with the masses. Lined our jack-o-lanterns up along the walkway. Watched as the candles flickered yellow-orange from within. Pirate. Scarecrow. Skeleton. Owl. Comrades du Pumpkin, four in a row. Had a garden tour in the dark. Danced about among arbors and pebbles and the sunflowers, now bowing their heads towards the ground, ready to slumber for a season. Can't get enough of Fall!


K said...

I am devastated I didn't make it into this synopsis...probably because I wasn't in your life yesterday. Or ever. So my synopsis is that Martha Jane and Katharine Jane need see each other more!

M said...

I agree. Must remedy.