Wednesday, January 21, 2009

color of the day

If today were a color, it would be gray. A cheerless, murky gray, trapping the city in dreariness; in a cold lull, waiting for a storm to blow fresh life into this space we call our town. Gray like my laptop, which has occupied my lap for quite some time today. Gray like the feeling I got when I walked inside the nearly-empty YBH to retrieve a few belongings. Gray like thoughts, spoken to no one, floating clouds in my head, thick and ready to burst.

If tonight were a color it would be gray like granite found atop all that's dreary; a gold angel beckoning to come in from the sad world, into somewhere brighter. Enduring. Everlasting. Gray like the shadows cast upon my new book from L, pages waiting to be turned. Gray growing towards white as the night turns on, a new canvas, in preparation for the new day.


Leigh said...

I'm just happy I can see the Angel Moroni from my window at work through this inversion. Happy you're back in action!

E. said...

Mmm, I like the grey. These past two days have been my favorite, hands down.