Friday, January 30, 2009

Things more exciting than Super Bowl Sunday

1. This exhibit at Meyer Gallery in Park City.
2. Getting to spend a week this summer here, fly fishing (hope I remember how), camping, mountain biking, hiking, canoeing, talking, laughing and catching up with about 120 of my favorite people.
3. Finding this book.
4. Picking up this one again.
5. Annie B, Jeffrey and Baby E are coming to visit!
6. She's getting married.
7. They're having a baby!
8. And so are they!
9. I've been having lots of fun here lately.
10. They bought a new house (and are going to let me help with the inside).
11. She started a shop on etsy, so we can all attempt to be as darling as Naomi.
12. February Art Market
13. Orla Kiely is designing for Target! Maybe I'll finally be able to afford one of her much-adored bags.
14. I love Bon Iver. This song has been on repeat on my playlist daily for over a month now. (I can't find a good video version. If anyone does, let me know).
15. The white hex tiles on Mom's bathroom floor leftover from the Capitol renovation make me happy. That bathroom is part of history now. The credit goes to S. who found them in the first place. I've had several clients use the idea since.
16. The Month of Love.
17. Steph's birfday
18. Starting to work on the inside of this house.

1 comment:

lesley said...

Thanks for the shout out Marth. Hope all is well.