Tuesday, April 14, 2009

these are a few

I adore little notebooks. I have a shelf-full. Mostly for listing. Sketching. Jotting. Note-taking. Here's a list (among lots) I've been working on since February. It's the most recent "Favorite Things" of many among such notebooks. I add to it every few days.

007. toast
031. being with my cousins
052. lamplight
061. dancing close
085. sleeping in your own bed after you've been away for a while
143. when steph says, "peace, love, and chicken grease!"
190. exploring other people's bookshelves
212. swinging on the gate at the cabin
237. bread bowls and tomato soup with levi
266. pulling my hair up at the end of the day
268. all green lights
300. swively stools
358. when someone helps me get my luggage out of the overhead bin
369. apricot jam
380. kate spade green
395. spray startch
403. market street with mom & dad
413. seeing my friends as moms
419. free mobile-to-mobile
422. long lunches
431. hammocks
452. snow angels
467. paddle boats at liberty park


Sum said...

I love this post and I agree with you. I love keeping journals and notebooks for keeping lists and everything. Your list is awesome! :)

Katie said...

You are the best. Everytime I read your blog you absolutely inspire me.