Thursday, June 11, 2009

stormy weather

The other night Dad and I opened the back doors to watch the rain fall. I quoted Emily Dickinson until I couldn't remember any more. Big heavy drops splashed up from the deck nearly reaching our knees. I love the sound of a summer storm. A pipe broke at the house, so the water is off inside today. Strange that there's no water inside and so much of it outside. Once, during a summer storm like this, Dad went outside with the big red umbrella. Between our house and the R's, he splashed and danced in the puddles just like Gene Kelly in "Singing in the Rain." I bet I've seen that movie a hundred times, but I'd never seen my Dad dance like that. I'm sure he was singing the words, too. "I'm dancin' and singin' in...the rain."


Sum said...

I love this post of yours! Stormy weather in the summer is my favorite, too. And I am in love with Singing in the Rain! That movie is a classic filled with happiness and laughter.

the pomegranate apple blog said...

m, can i re-post this on my blog?