Sunday, October 7, 2007

opened with expectation, closed with profit

When you re-read a classic you do not see in the book more than you did before. You see more in
you than there was before.

- Clifton Fadiman


E. said...

Oh, wow. I am so much more far gone than I thought---that just moved me to tears.

m.m. said...

your posts are always so crypic. i think this blog is really just an inside joke between you and all the yale ave. girls since they seem to know what's going on. dangit. i knew we should have moved there a long time ago.

M said...

There's nothing cryptic about this post! Just a deep (? dunno, actually. You tell me) thought about books/reading. Seems at times, though that the Yale Ave. girls are the only visitors on MM. I'm glad to know that's not the case. As for you moving to soon are we talking...tomorrow? Please?

m.m. said...

tomorrow? i wish! i definitely frequent MM so don't worry about that.

p.s. did you know that karli has a blog. you should check it. before you wreck it.