Monday, December 31, 2007

Post-Party Post

2186 filled fast on Saturday night, friends filing in and out. We invited a lot of people for fear that no one would show up. However, at one glorious point, this house was filled to its little capacity. Mixing. Mingling. Munching. Bodies upstairs and down. And, of course, Rock Band. There were so many moments when I literally jumped for joy at the sight of some friends - people who I invited but, for one reason or another, I didn't think would stop by. Some I hadn't seen in way way too long.
I forgot that I don't like being hostess; wanting everyone to get along, hoping that backgrounds and behaviors would combine as well as the ingredients in M's banana bread (which many people thought was flan because she baked two round banana bread "cakes" (?), something quite entertaining, actually. The bread was absolutely delicious. I've had my fair share of it and then some). All-in-all, I felt like it was successful. I don't know how the party-goers feel, but I was happy with the outcome. I thought of Aunt B as I put mixing bowls in the sink and separated plastic forks and cups to put in the trash. She was the hostess of dreams, telling her guests to "Leave the dishes, please," explaining she liked to smile over her suds and think of the various moments of the night; the conversations, the delicious food, the friends meeting friends; all elements of a successful party, which hers always were.
We all feel officially "warmed" here in 2186 after our first party. Some guests came bearing housewarming gifts, which was above and beyond. Many thanks to Mike G and his artistic eye for hanging our natural curiosities coral pictures. Not only can he rock out on rock band, he truly is quite the "creative person," right Mike? A thank you is in order to Joel who brought us a housewarming gift (very thoughtful), and also opened all the cans for the homemade bean dip with a bottle opener, poke by poke. (Thanks to Lauren, too, who lended us her Letherman with said bottle opener, without which there would have been no bean dip) and thanks to all our guests who made Saturday night a success!

1 comment:

m.m. said...

oh i dread being hostess, too. i'm also so worried people won't get along! i'm getting nervous thinking about it now...