Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hoo Ray! It's her Birth Day!

It's Steph's birthday today. How lucky am I to have Steph as a roommate? SO lucky. She leaves messages on my phone like, "Hi, it's estephania. I miss your face," and "My heart hurts a little bit cause you're not here." She sings in an opera voice at any given moment just because. She says fantastic and "I am such a big fan of you." She records movies on my camera for me to find days later. (And sometimes in those movies she's wearing other people's pajamas). She goes to the library. She walks to the grocery store. She likes to shop at REI and Patagonia (which she calls the Pataguch) and owns more down coats than anyone else I know. Once, just for fun, she put all of them on at once. And her vests, too. (We took pictures). She taught me that all men look better in Carhartts and has a heart of gold. She kayaks. She skiis. She bikes. She hikes. Her room is decorated with sleeping bags, helmets, camelbacks and rocks from places she's been. It's basically a mini REI. She's positive. If the world was ending, I'd want Steph by my side. I think she'd say something like, "Isn't this fabulous?!" and then we'd go hide in her sleeping bags and put on her helmets until things calmed down. She makes her own jewelry and just about anything else you can think up. Micheal's is her playground. She taught me how to crochet (but I think I forgot). She LOVES Halloween. As in, think of a person you know that LOVES Halloween. Times it by a million. And add 500. That's Steph. She calls me Marf. She helps people - all kinds of people. Strangers. Patients. Friends. She makes hard things easier. She gets the job done. She is good and smart and spiritual and helps me talk through things until they make sense. She adds "The" to every place we like to go. It's The Red Butte. Porc-The-Pine. The Dodes. The Teej. The Blue Plate. She can throw a killer dance party. She likes trucks as much as I do. And men in trucks. Sometimes we borrow her dad's truck (Black Thunder) and drive places in it. She likes orange and green and snowflakes. She is faithful. She is loyal. She does what is right. She makes everything more fun. We laugh a lot. (Sometimes we laugh when we shouldn't. Like at church.) She is a good aunt. She is a good sister. She is a good daughter. She is the best roommate.
Loves! Happy Birthday, Stepholah!

1 comment:

Merphanie said...

I can't get over how fantastic you are. Seriously thank you so very very much. My first tribute I am so proud and honored. Good night Marf.