Friday, February 27, 2009


routine |rou-tine| (noun): a sequence of events regularly followed.

Thursday |Thurs-day| (noun): the day of the week before Friday and following Wednesday.

sunshine. window. teeth. face. book. knees. pear. yogurt. laptop. email. let's go sailing. water. hair. clip. elastic. sweater. orange. buttons. boots. color box. lily allen. a falling through. car. pump. quarters. wash. clean. white. natalie. smile. baby. sounds. macadamia nut. store. paint. red. green. yellow. blue. house beautiful. car. phone call. roommate. plans. office. store. zoey deschanel. office. cut. samples. paper. pen. envelope. car. ingrid. mom. grey house. stephanie. red sweater. orange sweater. curb. colors. paint. stripes. mudroom. spring. sunglasses. boy. house. sale. sign. music. car. katie. nook. maren. hulu. andy. justin. sloth. laugh. brother. cafe rio. table. yellow. fork. knife. city park. joggers. jetta. nook. steph. bowling?. toast. table. visitor. james. papers. mission. kasi. guesses. white board. croatia. virginia. japan. puerto rico. thailand. iowa. text message. dark. lamp. plan. curtains. laugh. peek. ann frank. quote. car. ice cream. almond. hot. milk. boy. smile. sit. talk. laugh. text message. world record. broken. rich. park. car. corner. red chair. idol. norman. seinfeld. olympics. swimmer. laugh. steph. floor. oat bag. phone call. anne. baby. car. leigh. house. anne. elizabeth. grandpa. cinnamon bears. binky. little legs. blue shoe. pearls. pictures. envelope. home. stairs. boots. orange sweater. pjs. slippers. drink. faucet. face. teeth. email. elizabeth. felicity. noel. knees. book. nephi. journey. journal. doodle. list. switch. pillow. covers. sleep.

challenge |chal-lenge| (noun): a task or situation that tests someone's abilities.
Taking m.writes to heart.

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