Monday, December 7, 2009

the season turns slowly

I haven't really stopped to let Christmas sink in, even though we're officially a week into December. This isn't a good thing for a girl who likes to soak up the season with every sense. Miss D and I took an all-too-quick glance at the lights on Temple Square the other night, giving into the chill and running across the sidewalk to the car, all the lights to our backs. I didn't mean to dismiss Christmas, but I'd rather gobble it all up this weekend on Temple Square than take little nibbles from the edge of the plaza on the way out.

After some much-needed nudging from my dear mother, I got to sorting my in basket today. (Can it be called an in basket if nothing ever goes out?) I got a fourth of the way through and then joined my sister at the table for dinner. It's been a long time since it's been just the two of us at the round table. Tonight I needed her. She came in the front door with warm soup and a salad full of the colors of the season: reds on the greens. For dessert, I had a slice of chocolate orange, which is undoubtedly my brother's. (Thanks, R.) It tasted like Christmas.

I officially stopped living my life on post-it notes, finally inking in all the holiday-ing on my calendar today. I stayed up late last night wrapping ribbons and jotting little notes on a package to be sent far far away. My drafting desk is covered in the Holiday Craze; red and green slowly crept and settled in this week - all paper and ribbon and colored pens. I fear it will only get worse as I've been sketching card designs this afternoon. Tonight we made popcorn balls at The Nook and wrapped the tree in shades of red and green, from bottom to top. It looks lovely all lit up in the corner.

I feel a bit more Christmas-y after an evening of soup with my sister, followed by much merriment and dancing at The Nook. The forecast says snow four of the next six days. I can't wait for all that white. It's just the thing to add to all the red and green that has taken up residence on my drafting table, a manifestation of both merriment and mayhem. I'll cue the Vince Guaraldi Trio tonight and continue to let the season sink in.

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