Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dr. K

Monday, while shopping in the dollar aisle at Target, I got a phone call. It was K.
K: "Hi. What are you doing?"
Me: "Just perusing the dollar aisle at Target. Why?"
K: "You know how I'm going to find a cure for diabetes?"
(Those of you who know K, know that this is so K. Only K would/could take on such a task. She's perfectly capable of coming up with a cure. Let us not forget the highlighter invention which sent her to that National invention fair in elementary school).
Me (thinking of the late night conversations we've had about curing everything from tachycardia to chronic headaches):"Yeah."
K: "I want to ask you a few questions."
Me: "OK. Shoot."
She then preceded to ask all sorts of interesting questions. To her credit, they were quite technical. She's done her homework. We went over the difference between Type I and Type II, the causes of each, the treatment of each, and the latest research.
Me: "Does that help?"
K: "Yes. Do you have any reason to come to Provo soon?"
Me: "Why?"
K: "I feel like we should have a meeting." Click.
And that was that. With K on the case, I'll be able to ditch this insulin pump on no time! I'll keep you posted.

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