Friday, April 25, 2008

For Birdie


Here's to you, Kates! As president of the 27 Club, I welcome you. Ever since I copied your handwriting in third grade, I've wanted to be just like you. I've got a long way to go. You always know what to say. When to call. How to help. You are such a blessing in my life. I couldn't do anything without you.

These are a few of our favorite things: birds who play tennis, so-healthy-for-you McFlurry's, 161 and #17, Powell, the p game, ACK, the Saturn cheer, "homework" sleep-overs, postcards, emails, red folders, candy corns and pumpkins, getting stuck in CB's bedroom, goldfishies and Koala's, talks with Molls late at night on your bed, novella yearbook messages, jelly rolls, shakes at Chili's (we'll take two), walking in Country Club, tag-team baby-sitting, 555-drop-your-bags!, Bob and Enid, The Dodo, and too many notes folded and passed to count. Love you!


Katie said...

Oh Marth, you are too kind. I loved all the memories. As for that picture...I'm not sure where that came from!

I would like to go relieve everyone of those memories now. In fact I think we are long overdue for a Chili's shake. I hope it has sprinkles!

Love you!

P.S. I am grateful the "word on the street" alerted me to your blog :).

Martha said...

Cute post dedicated to Katie-nana. And I loved your one about F. Smith. I got all nostalgic thinking about those days. I'm excited to see you on Saturday. Thanks for offering to bring something. I think we're OK--it'll be simple.