Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Sometimes I think I could live by myself. The pillows would always stay in the right place on the couch, I'd take ridiculously long showers, use a whole dryer sheet instead of a half, and sing along to my favorite albums while using my Kitchenaid.

Then, Maren calls to me from the kitchen and snaps me out of my selfish scenario. Forty-five minutes later, I'm well-versed on the latest YouTube videos, I've searched Google far and wide for any and all things John Krasinski, and my cheeks hurt from laughing at funny late-night roommate-isms that are immediately written on the chalkboard.

As my head finally hits the pillow, American Idol tunes stuck in my head, I think to myself, Silence is overrated, a Kitchenaid would only enhance my sweet-tooth, and singing is always more fun when there's someone around to join in.

Truthfully, roommates or no roommates, I'd still let John Krasinski take up a fair amount of my time.


Lindsay & Josh said...

A whole dryer sheet! Dare I tell you, I usually put two in each load, ack!

M said...

Uh, dear blog commentators:
I have received several comments soliciting me to "see here" and "see there," making me wary of viruses, etc. So, if your comments do not appear, this may be why. Please get over your illnesses and return soon.

Amander said...

Your post makes me want to live in your house! If only...

E. said...

And having John Krasinski as your roommate would solve all problems.

Kasi French said...

I'm going to go ahead and agree with the last comment ... let's just have John move in! I'll give up work and learn to cook as Robs does, that alone should get him to stick around.