Monday, March 23, 2009

early bird

This morning I woke up at 5:30. (Too early). I counted the hours until Matt Lauer. (1.5) I did a bit of reading, I ate a bowl of Cheerios with sliced bananas, (mmm) and watched the local news (lame). Then, the blessed chimes of Today, but no Matt. (Oh deer*). At 7:15 I decided to make a Monday To Do (Ugh). I foraged in my nightstand for a post-it and pen and found a brand new Sharpie way in the back. (hip! hip!) Suddenly, I didn't miss Matt so much anymore.

**Call me crazy, but I love this weather! As long as the tulips come up on time, I'm good.

* Apparently, Mr. Lauer was in a bike accident over the weekend involving a deer. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Mr. Matt.


Lindsay & Josh said...

Also wishing Mr. Lance a speedy recovery...poor Lance!

M said...

Linds: Oh goodness, YES!