Tuesday, March 3, 2009

stripes, herringbone, and side tables

Rather refreshing not to check email for two days straight. No, I'm not out of town, just in town and about town. Bustling about my own business, getting down to the to do's and crossing things of my list, spending time with dear friends in between. We took a long walk yesterday, the babes wrapped up tight for the toting. Unaware of time and distance it was nearly noon when we finished, and we'd traced five miles along Wasatch and down again to Bryan. I spent part of yesterday doing design research with N, and, following form and function, we went out on the town today to see what we could find. We sat at the big round table at Howells with A, sorting out the stripes and honing in on the herringbone. Oh how we wish the budget allowed for real RL 100 percent wool plaid. (If there's a will, there's a way, though, right?) We played musical chairs at PB, trying to pick what's best, bouncing ideas off one another. In somewhat of an unplanned expedition, we found ourselves on the hunt in our home town to find a certain paint color. I was happy to leave with more samples than I need and a new deck in-hand to add to my collection. Tonight, I met the girls at the Dodo for sandwiches. All RS things were off the table, all real Life things, on. I ended the night at the B's. We ate cinnamon bears on the couch as baby E fell fast asleep on her mama's lap. Now it's bed for me, too. Tomorrow brings more time with N, who makes work more like play.

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