Sunday, September 26, 2010

just me upon my pony on my boat

Sometimes I wish I lived here. One minute you're surrounded by golden aspen eating a delicious meal right out of the fire pit and the next thing you know, you're twenty miles or so down the canyon out on the lake. And, even though you need wetsuits and hoodies and your arms are so tired they feel like they're going to fall off, it's all worth it for the leaves and the landscape and the hilarious tell-alls in the bow of the boat. (And the character-of-a-park-ranger who comes to jump start you at the dock when you realize the battery is dead before you even launch.)


m.m. said...

you're making me so jealous. i walked through the dc streets today just sweating with all the mugginess! what i wouldn't give for a crisp dry night on aspen lane!


Libby and Dustin said...

I would love to live there ALL the time! The best place on earth.