Sunday, September 12, 2010

when spending the weekend in a small town...

  • Drive to the end of the canyon with the top down at dusk with David's Bob Dylan cassette tape turned up full blast. Also, play some Bruce Springsteen.
  • Introduce yourselves to the city boys at the market while they fasten a canoe to their truck. Tell them you're local. They'll buy it.
  • Consult the H.A. Rey guide to constellations with a headlamp at midnight when it's so dark you can't see the hand in front of your face. Trespass a little -- the view will be heavenly and the getaway scene will give you an adrenaline rush like you haven't had since high school. When you sike yourself out about recent bear sightings (thank you Ranger Matt), jump in the car and listen to A&J Stone.
  • Take a trip to the hardware store one town over, past the big red barn with the American flag and the 100 year old Cottonwood trees. Sing Johnny Cash with the store owner while you shop for light bulbs and a garden rake.
  • Grill dawgs and eat s'mores like it's the last weekend of summer. (It basically is.)
  • Walk along the Weber River and tell stories about Moose-sightings.
  • Eat french toast with fresh berries for breakfast.
  • Take lots of pictures.
{more photos on flickr}

1 comment:

Libby and Dustin said...

Speaking of moose sightings. A Mama moose and her baby graced us with their presence this morning! The last time that happened we were sleeping on the deck.