Wednesday, November 4, 2009

fall asleep counting your blessings

It's been a bad day and I'm not much in the mood for writing, but I'll post anyway. One of my favorite Irving Berlin songs is "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sleep," from the much beloved "White Christmas." Tonight I'm trying to focus on blessings, big and small. I am grateful for memories of a childhood (and now adulthood) rich in tradition and time with those I love. I am grateful for examples of courage and faith, for people who don't ever quit. I'm grateful for strength in numbers and the force of family. I am grateful for the comfort of home and dear ones close by. I am grateful to know that families are forever and stretch far beyond this sphere. I believe there is a God in heaven who knows what is best, even if for the time being it doesn't seem so good. It is all for our good. And this knowledge is a blessing.

{When I'm worried and I can't sleep/I count my blessings instead of sheep/And I fall asleep/Counting my blessings}

1 comment:

m.m. said...

i hope you're alright, my dear. email me soon.