Saturday, November 7, 2009

pencils, pears, and forever friends

Miss D is a friend of the most splendid variety. We've only known each other for a year, but it feels like decades. The instant I saw her I knew we needed to be friends. We are only two days apart, but I think had she known I was coming into the world, she would have waited. Nonetheless, we are both November Babes and that is well enough.

She teaches English at the University, is a marvelous writer, can finish my sentences, and finds a way to throw the word "delightful" into everyday conversation. We see eye-to-eye on many things. We both love the sea and warm summer nights outside. The other night when the clouds looked like cotton candy, I sent Miss D a text message because I knew she would appreciate it.

This summer, Miss D planted a garden which grew in abundance. Fresh basil, peppers, cucumbers (which she lugged in her temple bag) and heirloom tomatoes. We both love tomatoes (perhaps she more than I because she wrote a paper about them) and alliteration (perhaps I more than she, but once on the phone, Miss D was picking pears from her pear tree. I heard an "Ahh!" from the other end. Then she said, "I'm being pummeled by pears!" Oh, the oodles of delight it added to my day!)

Hooray for friends, old and new, and for Babes born in November.


emi. said...

(a pear can do nothing else but pommel.)

i'm laughing out loud. thank you.

RayRay said...

i'm giggling.