Friday, November 14, 2008

a wee bit foggy

Today's just another one to add to the books: The Adventures of K and M. There's no one I'd rather...
- End up in Queens with.
- Crash a golf cart with.
- Get stuck in a true Chicago blizzard (sans coats) with.
- Eat an entire box of Frangos with.
- Spend my last pennies on gumballs with.
- Fetch firewood in the middle of the night with. Say cheese!
- Look for Pattie's Pizzeria with.
- Be stranded in the parking lot of Hires with.
- Scream in the back of an airplane with.
- "Break" into the Delta parking lot with.

Until tomorrow, my dear...Don't forget the baking soda and a toothbrush. Wha?!
"Take me to the fog! Don't you love it?!"


LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

What in the world did you ladies do on this list? or what lead to this? I love it, what It is. :)

m.m. said...

what are you guys doing without me this time? can i please have buddy pass to meet you wherever it is???

KEH said...

Girl frenn, you bring the lol's!!!! See you tomorrow night!!!