Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Say When

Today has been one of those spectacular days when, unexpectedly and gloriously everything turns out just right. The weather was perfect. I've been waiting on SN*W for weeks now and today...it came; Brilliantly white, dancing down onto the windshield, while I danced inside, snapping my fingers and swaying my head to some new favorite jams. The heater was up full blast, blowing my hair as I swayed, adding a silent percussion all its own.
I found an extra wad of quarters in a forgotten pocket of my bag. M&M's were 3 for a dollar at Maverick, even the almond kind. At Karen's suggestion, I stopped and found a treasure in snow-covered Sugarhouse on the way home. I called minimed and we trouble-shooted with success. Truly amazing. It looks like Bryan Avenue might be a go. As if The Good wasn't good enough, the night came to a flakey close as I joked and laughed on Herbert Avenue with some favorite new neighbors. I love when Life slips into place, even for a few hours of the day. Happy Tuesday! E, they're growing on me.

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