Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oh, Baby, Baby, it's a Wild World!

Turns out, Cat Stevens is right: It's a Wild World!

In the words of The Meekster, "I'm kinda freakin' out!" This whole blogging thing is much more than an interesting endeavor. As any visitors know, I post all sorts of things on here - from the mundane to the insane, not really thinking twice about who will see what. I can't quite explain what it is about the candid online confessional that caters to me. I can't help but return day after day to post, oft-times more personal things than I set out to.

The scary slash wild part: how many people actually read this stuff! MY stuff! In an attempt to see who/what stops by my formal (hardly) blog, The Happy Haven, about a week ago, I set up a site meter. I thought that surely my professional life (if I can call it that - professional, that is) would be much more enchanting than my personal life. According to Mr. Traffic Ticker, 'tis not so! The map that appears on my statistical report (thank you Mr. Site Meter!) attests to guests on MM from Turkey to India to The British Isles to Milwaukee! Mil-where?! Who lives in Milwaukee and why are they reading my musings? Since when do they have computer access there, anyway? Does this worry anyone else? I feel we should investigate. No, I jest. I've been to Wisconsin. It's lovely. (At least in the summer months).

I don't think this will stop the plain-spoken penning, which may or may not end up coming back to haunt me. Nor will this newly acquired knowledge of such open-book information regarding who is where and when stop me from my own blog-exploration amidst the random pages of you fellow bloggers. So we blog on, in this wild, wild blog world, as freaky as it may be...from sea to shining sea!

1 comment:

m.m. said...

thanks for the shout out quote. if you have someone checking from vegas....that's me on my work computer. not sure why it does that.