Sunday, November 18, 2007

People Keep Repeating

Taking cue from Marta, I'm just going to let my thoughts "spill." They've been coming full-force lately and I can't seem to get them onto paper fast enough.
1. Meeting Virginia yesterday was an unexpected dream. Opportunity and passion collided, and I'm excited to see where things go from here. Life is art. Art is life.
2. Dan in Real Life was, indeed, delightful. And K was the perfect person to see it with. We died laughing. And cried a wee bit, too. I could not get over that house! Could not, could not, could NOT! I've decided I'm going to make a slight career change: I'm going to be the person who scouts houses for movies. I'll just randomly knock on doors and ask for a full tour. Also, I'm pretty sure I'll have to spend the night; to truly experience the house - the light as it comes into the windows in the early morning, the shadows that dance across the porch at sunset. Any idea how to get started in that? Perhaps I'll just start knocking.
2.5. I won't quit my Day Job, though. It was too much fun to sit and play with tracing paper and colored pencils at Karen's last night. We ate pizza and talked house and garden plans late into the night. She's pretty much my favorite.
3. My parents are downstairs cooking dinner together, listening to Christmas music. Now is the time of The Season when I wish everything could stand still. We put so much thought in The Getting Ready. (Moore) I'm old enough now to understand that this is The Best Part. I wish now, more than ever, to enjoy the Getting Ready.
4. I'm so glad Will talked me out of a rain check today. It's been a long while since I've been behind a cute boy on a motorcycle, and today's weather was absolutely perfect. It felt a little wild; wonderfully wild. I couldn't keep my skirt from flapping in the wind. Oh well. So darling, that Will!
5. Twenty-six isn't going to be that bad.
6. Karen (cousin, not aunt) has finally found her prince charming. And charming he is. I'm so excited. She continues to be my ideal. She is as gracious and as beautiful as they come, adventurous, kind, spiritual, thoughtful, and she's got the brains to boot. It was fun to celebrate yesterday and the 28th can't come too soon.
7. I spent half of today in mourning. Anticipatory mourning. And then, all of a sudden, mid-Relief Society, I just stopped. There it was: Relief. I'm still scared and sad and overwhelmed and not sure where to go from here.
8. Emily has come back to church. This truly makes me so happy. Talk about a beautiful person. Her every comment I hang on. She is wise beyond her years and someone who exudes truth and testimony. She is hope and patience personified. I am oh so glad she is back.

1 comment:

Katie said...

So fun to hear all of your thoughts. It sounds like you've had a lot going on. I think I need you to expound on a few of them to make sure everything is ok... we'll talk later.

Finding houses for movies could totally be your side job. What a great idea!